


The presents are tucked by the tree neatly trimmed
Children are excited as the gift-giving begins.
Loved ones and friends gather as before
To hear the story of Christmas told by Grandpa once more.
Everything is ready, the celebration starts,
But something is missing, could it be in my heart?
Could Christmas be more than gifts under a tree?
The true meaning of the season I really want to see?
My heart begins to ponder, my thoughts see the sight
of that very first Christmas, the holiest of nights.
Angels praise and worship, shepherds share the sight,
Of God's wonderous promise, a king is born tonight!
I understand the difference, the reason is crystal clear
It's JESUS who makes the season-of family, friends, and cheer.
Without the birth of Jesus the celebration would be gone,
HE brings the love of famiy, HE brings the joy of song.
People would still be lonely, no hope would fill their way,
Jesus is the reason for the season, it is HIS special day!
DISCOVERY-Our Daily Bread 12/08

Imagine Christmas morning without wrapping paper! The joy would be short-lived,
for much of the excitement is the anticipation of finding out what's in the package.
Apparently God created us with a "normal" setting that causes us to enjoy the process
of discovery, because finding something is often more exciting than having it.
That is, after all, why we wrap presents. Many passages in scripture allude to this concept.
In Proverbs 8:17, we read of wisdom: "Those who seek me diligently will find me."
And the prophet Jeremiah wrote of the Lord: "You will seek Me and find Me, when you
search for Me with all your heart." God could have revealed all truth to all people at the very
beginning of time, but He chose to reveal Himself gradually. Perhaps that's becasuse we
value things more when we have to search and wait for them. God is not playig a cruel game
of hide-and-seek. He is allowing us to enjoy the process of discovering who He is and what
He is up to in the universe. So don't be discouraged over what you don't know about God.
Be excited about unwrapping all there is yet to discover.

Baby Jesus


Are you still looking for that exactly just right gift to give this Christmas season?
Here's one that is easy to find, inexpensive, non-fattening, and fits all sizes: HUGGING!
Yes, you are reading this right, hugging! Hugging has been found to be healthy
because it helps the body's immune system, it cures depression, reduces stress,
it induces sleep, it's invigorating, it's rejuvenating, unbreakable, and it works like a miracle drug!
Not only that, but hugging is all natural, it's organic, naturally sweet, no preservatives, no pesticides,
no artificial ingredients, and 100% wholesome! Hugging is practically perfect, no moveable parts,
no batteries to wear out, no periodic check-ups, low energy yield, no assembly required, and always fully returnable!
Try it. You might really be surprised!
The best Yuletide decorations are wreathed in Smiles and wrapped in Hugs.

When the angel proclaimed the "good news" to the shepherds in the fields,
it was "good news" to their ears. Their long-awaited king had been born.
When Mary told the disciples the tomb was empty and the Savior had risen,
it was "good news" to them. But, when Jesus returns, will it be "good news"
for you? Have you accepted the Savior's gift of salvation, followed Him in
baptism and went on to live a Christian life? Take time this Christmas season
to evaluate your life and determine if you are following God's will for your life.
If not, today is the perfect time to commit/re-commit your life to God and His service.
Begin the new year with the "good news" in your heart and be determined to
spreadit to others!
BEYOND THE MANGER - Joseph C. Mullins
There's a cross behind the manger that all must come to see.
The baby lying in the hay came to die for you and me.
There's a tomb behind the manger sealed with a door of stone.
The Christ child came to give His life for sins that are not His own.
There's a tomb behind the manger standing empty and bare.
Death cannot hold the son of God, you will not find Him there.
There's Heaven behind the manger, its gates are opened wide.
The Babe of Bethlehem goes in and bids us with Him abide.
Jesus is the only reason for Christmas jubilation.
Without his death and resurrection, there's no cause for celebration.
May you find in Jesus your reason to celebrate
The STONE after the throw.
The OCCASION after the loss.
The WORD after it is spoken.
The TIME after it is gone.
Money was collected for the purchase of turkeys
for the CCBBC students and their families.
Thank God for the opportunity to serve others and
who His love throught His blessings upon you.
Thank to those who contributed!

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