Overcoming Those Bad Habits
2 Corinthians 10:5
As we turn the final page of the claendar, we often regard the brand new year as a good time for fresh starts, particularly in wise, healthier practices. Bad habits can be incredibly difficult to shake. We may want to recommit to a more positive lifestyle, but a resolution to change works only if we change. Unfortunately, when our resolve doesn't quite match our good intentions, we may find ourselves making the same commitment over and over again. For instance, the resolution to diet evaporates the minute we start digging in the snack cabinet looking for anything resembling cookies. But the next morning (perhaps when we catch sight of the scale), we renew our determination to diet in earnest. Habits change through a consistent commitment to make right choices. Christians can experience continuous growth through dedicated obedience to God and His precepts, which point us to the best choices for us.

The Bible encourages us on our path to transformation in the following ways:
  • We are to be living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to the Lord;
    transformation occurs through the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:1-2)
  • By making every thought obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5),
    we learn to focus our attention on godly living.
  • We can rest assured that no temptation of ours is unfamiliar to Jesus
    (Matt. 4:1-11; 1 Cor. 10:13). By following His example of applying
    scriptural truth to life's problems, we defeat the Tempter.
  • Whenever we fall into old patterns, repentance and a fresh resolve to
    persevere will quickly get us back on track. You are reconciled to
    Christ (Col. 1:21-23) and can never wander beyond His reach.
  • Nothing (no person, circumstance or evil spirit) can overcome Christ's
    power, which is available to everyone who trusts Him as Savior. This
    divine power enables each believer to be victorious (Romans 8:31-39).
~~~~~~~~~~ tulips

What are the hardest habits for you to break? Ask the Lord to take those fleshly desires from you today. We can pray that God would keep our minds obedient to Christ. Think of past situations where such a prayer might have changed the outcome.

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