9525 Barbourville Road, London, Kentucky 40744
A Church with a never changing Message to an ever changing World!
     Home                     Geral Wells, Pastor                 Church Office
(606) 546-3178	 					         (606) 862-7032

Sunday School .........................................................................10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Service ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service ................................................................. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Bible Study/Youth Groups.............................................. 7:00 p.m.

What a wonderful time of year! The scenery is breathtaking and the weather is almost perfect, but for some reason the days turn into weeks and the weeks into another month too soon. Is it that we are just to busy to notice and enjoy the beauty God has blessed us with at this time of year? Take time to take a walk or just sit in the quietness of an evening and take in some of the many specail attractions the sunset has to offer. Yes, you will have to get away from the the office, turn off the tv, let those chores wait a little while, but it will be well worth it. October has many special blessing to share if we'll just take notice. Thank God for this season. He si the reason for the season!

October is filled with many opportunities to worship and serve the Lord along with many activities to participate in the fellowhip. Never say you're bored! Take advantage of these services and events and invite people in your family and neighborhood who you know nad who do not attend church.

Tentative plans are being made for a Harvest Festivalion NOvember. If you have any suggestions for speakers or special singers, please let Brother Geral know as soon aspossible. Hopefully the weather will hold out and we will be able to have some of these services outdoors. In them meantime, be praying for a good "harvest" and special blessing upon those who come to minister and share with us song and testimony.

There are updated Prayer Lists available inthe front foyer. Please take one and use it during your personal prayer time and then, join us on Wednesday evenings as we review and update these lists. Help us pray for the many special needs and situations so many of our friends and fmaily are facing. Please provide updates when possible. Prayer changes things!
October 2008 Cover Page | October 2008 Bulletin Page 1 | October 2008 Bulletin Page 2 | October 2008 Bulletin Page 3