FEED MY SHEEP-Our Daily Bread 8/08
Just before Jesus left this earth, He instructed Simon Peter to care for
the dearest objects of his love - His sheep. How could anyone care for
them as Jesus cares? Only out of love for Him . There is no other way.
Three times Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love Me?" Peter answereed,
"Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." Each time, Jesus answered, "Feed My sheep."
Was Jesus unaware of Peter's love? Of course not. His threefold question was not
for Hmself, but for Peter. He asked His questions to underscore these essential
truth that only love for Christ would sustain Peter in the work that lay ahead -
that ardous, demanding work of caring for peopl's souls - perhaps the hardest work of all.
Jesus did not ask Peter if he loved His sheep, but if he loved Him. Affection for
God's people in intself will not sustain us. His sheep can be unresponsive,
unappreciative annd harshly criical of our efforts to love and to serve them.
In the end, we will find ourlselves defeated and discouraged. The love of Christ -
our love for Him - is the only sufficient motivation that will enable us to stay the course,
to continue to feed the flock of God. Thus, Jesus asks you and me, "Do you love Me? Feed My sheep."


I know no other season so filled with warmth and cheer
As on these bright October days when autumn-time is here.
The hills have turned from summer's green to dazzling red and gold
The flower beds are brigher too, so festive to behold.
The harvest yield is gathering in; God sends His gifts anew.
Each roadside stand, a harvest fair that warms the heart of you.
A bluish haze on distant hills, the maple's scarlet flame;
And oak trees dressed in Joseph-coats stand guard along the lane.
Of all the seasons of the year, each one with beauty blessed,
I hold to Autumn's warmth and cheer, cause I like October best.


Preaching is the most powerful form of communication in all the world,
not becasue of the preacher (sometimes even in spite of him) and not
because of the sermon itself as a human effort, it is because of the sermon
itself as a human effort, it is becasue the preaching of the Word is in a very
special way the voice of the Spirit of God. Through preaching, people are won for Christ.

On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit established the Christian pulpit and made
the Gospel it proclaimed the power of God for salvation. That's why Jesus
told His disciples to go int othe whole world and preach the Gospel. To be sure,
the mission would involve them in other things, but none was as important as
the preaching of Christ, cruified and risen from the dead. This is also why
Martin Luther explained the commandment to remember the Sabbath Day
in these words: "We should fear and love God that we many not despise
preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it."

Our Lord caps the matter for us by saying, "Blessed . . .are those who hear
the word of God and keep it" - keep it in good and honest hearts.


The FDA for turning water into wine without a license;
The EPA for killing fig trees;
The AMA for practicing medicine without a license;
The Dept. of Health for asking people to open graves, for raising the dead,
and for feeding 5,000 people in the wilderness;
The NEA for teaching without a teaching certificate;
OSHA for walking on water without a life jacket and
forflying without an airplane;
The SPCA for driving hogs into the sea; and
The National Board of Psychiastrists for giving advice on how to live a
guilt-free life.

PASTOR: Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseer,
to feed the church of God, which he had purchased with His own blood. Acts 20:28

Good News and Bad News for a Pastor

Good News-The Deacons accpeted your job description the way you wrote it.
Bad News- They were so inspired by it, they formed a search committee to find somebody capable of filling the position.
Good News-You baptized 7 people today in the river.
Bad News-You lost 2 of them in the swift current.

Good News-The church finally voted to add more church parking.
Bad News-They are going to blacktop the front lawn of the church parsonage.

Good News-The women's softball team finally won a game.
Bad News-They beat the men's softball team.

Good News-Church attendance rose dramatically the last 3 weeks.
Bad News-You were on vacation.

Good News-The Youth in your church come to your house for a surprise visit.
Bad News-It's in the middle of the night and they are armed with toilet paper
and shaving cream to "decorate" your house.

When a traffic copy pulled over a Pastor for
speeding, the Pastor reminded the officer,
"Blessed are the merciful for they shall
obtain mercy
The cop handed the Pastor a ticket and quoted,
"Go thou and sin no more."

On Sunday morning Pastor Bob advised his
"Next week I plan to preach
about the sin of lying. In preparation of my sermon,I want you all to read
Mark Chapter 17."

The following Sunday, the Pastor asked for a
show of hands from those who had read Mark 17.
Every hand went up. The Pastor smiled and
announced "Well, Mark has only 16 chapters.
I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying.


You might be a Preacher if . . .

You've been told to get a real job;
You couldn't sell used cars;
You never said, I'm NEVER going to be a preacher!
You win the door prize at church and people say "it was rigged."
Your belly is refered to as "the chicken coop."
Your kids nickname you "Our father who art at a meeting."

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